Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Hai, lama gak gue gak post blog? sepertinya lama ya. OKAY! sooo a lot has happened after my birthday, which is 24th june. Ada my birthday party, like, 2 or 3 weeks ago? teruuusss me and the girls (hanna, janice, ega, and rani, minus neta) nonton Ice Age 3d!! wihi bagus loh, janice paling heboh ketawanya -_- lalu lalu apa yaaa saking banyaknya sampe lupa loh gue. OIYA, terus besok i'm going to hk, peeeeps :D seru ya? hk disneyland!! muahahaha super fun. OH OH OH MAU TAU YANG LEBIH WOW? GUE akhirnya PUNYA BB!! sangat senang dan seru, jadiii bisa bbman sama semua oraaaang, seru ya? maaf gue norak sedikit awkwkw abis gue kesenengan. Soooo yea, holiday's almost over and i'm kinda gak excited untuk masuk sekolah baru, cause idk....hmmm YAK pada intinya this summer sih super fun ya, a lot has happened haha and i'm missing my binusian friends. Sooo yea, nanti malem mau post lagi :D haha oke deh.

Alika ;)